To configure your General Settings, select Settings -> Site Setting and select the General tab.


Enter your store name.

Maintenance Mode

Check this if you store is in maintenance

Logo File

Select the logo image. The image will be placed in the location depending on your theme.

Icon File

Image icon that will be displayed in the browser title or tab.

Home Page

Select the landing page of your website

Account Page

Select the Page Theme that contains the user account page.

Meta Keyword and Description

Add something meaningful to describe your store for better SEO results

Google Analytic

If you use Analytic to track you online store network activity, you will need to insert the javascript here so that it can be tracked.

Enable Subscribers

Enable your customers to sign up to your store

Login and Registration Requires Captcha

For security, enable this to ensure they are not bots.

Enable Checkout

Enable this when you store is ready to accept orders

Checkout Requires Login

Enable this is ensure all checkout must be a registered user.

Delete Shopping Cart on Login

This option deletes the user shopping cart from the previous session when they login.

Automatic Fullfillment on Complete Order

When you complete your order, all items are considered to have been fulfilled.